Women in the Fishing sector

We foster a corporate culture of sustainable management, which is based on promoting equal opportunities, gender equality, non-discrimination, and respect for diversity. Therefore, both within our organization and in our engagement with society, we maintain our commitment to fight gender or any other form of discrimination, as well as to eliminate biases, stereotypes, and inequalities in our processes. 

We explicitly express this in our Integrated Sustainable Management Policy, Gender Equality and Diversity Policy, and Code of Ethics, thus underscoring our commitment to SDG 5 - Gender Equality. Also, it is important to emphasize that we are signatories of the United Nations Global Compact and have endorsed the Lima Declaration. 

At Austral, our Equity and Diversity Committee drives and underpins our objectives and action plan aimed at reducing gaps. In this regard, we promote training programs for our employees and workers, as well as internal and external awareness campaigns.

Since 2021, we have been celebrating the Equity and Diversity Week, a dedicated space for raising awareness among employees and workers about the importance of equal treatment between men and women, the elimination of violence against women, and respect for diversity in all its fronts, both for the company and society.  

The fishing industry has traditionally been perceived as a male-dominated sector. However, at Austral, we are a clear example that the Peruvian fishing industry is ready to be a space where women and men have the same opportunities for development and growth.

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