Our Excellence Model

Our model and its implementation have been recognized at the national and international levels.

Our Excellence Model in the Integrated Sustainable Management System is based on the model developed by the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM), which provides us with a valuable tool for continuous process improvement and effective organizational management. This approach allows us to achieve the expected results and strive for excellence in performance. The successful implementation and the results achieved allowed us to receive the “Gold Category Quality Leader Medal” awarded by the Quality Management Committee of the Industrial Development Center in 2011, and the “National Quality Award 2012”, the highest recognition granted in Peru to organizations that demonstrate outstanding performance in the implementation of the Excellence in Management Model.

Integrated Sustainable Management System

Our system is based on 9 international standards that cover aspects of quality, safety, and environmental commitment.


 OAS Certification

Certification as an Authorized Economic Operator (AEO), promoted by SUNAT, validates our accounting, administrative and operational processes as reliable and safe in our commercial management (export and import).


 Estrategia de compras sostenibles. AENOR

Certification aimed at demonstrating how purchasing policies and practices are integrated with sustainability, responsibly contributing to sustainable development in the environmental, social, and governance realms, as well as achieving prioritized Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Occupational Safety and Health Management System ISO 45001

It aims to provide safe and healthy workplaces, prevent injuries and ill health, and continuously improve occupational safety and health performance.​

  • Fishmeal and fish oil plants
  • Frozen fish plant
  • Fishing fleet
  • Headquarters (San Isidro)

Quality Management System ISO 9001

This certification allows us to control and continuously improve the main processes that we carry out in the company, in order to meet the needs and expectations of our customers.

  • Fishmeal and fish oil plants  
  • Headquarters (San Isidro)

Environmental Management System ISO 14001

It allows us to demonstrate and improve our environmental performance by controlling the impacts of our activities, products and services on the environment.

  • Fishmeal and fish oil plants
  • Fishing fleet
  • Headquarters (San Isidro)

Feed Materials Assurance Scheme (FEMAS)

We produce fishmeal and fish oil for animal consumption meeting the quality and safety standards required by our customers in the European Community.

  • Fishmeal and fish oil plants
  • Headquarters (San Isidro)

Seafood from Sustainable Fisheries Friend of the Sea

We control the catch and processing of marine species using fishing methods that do not have a negative impact on the Peruvian sea, while ensuring the chain of custody.

  • Fishmeal and fish oil plants
  • Fishing fleet

Supply Chain Security Management System BASC

We control the security of the supply chain in order to prevent the use of the company’s operations in unlawful international trade activities.

  • Fishmeal and fish oil plants
  • Frozen fish plant
  • Headquarters (San Isidro)
suministro responsable

Global Responsible Sourcing Standard Marintrust version 2.0

We ensure that the fishmeal and fish oil we produce come from a responsible and authorized fishery and are processed according to good manufacturing practices and in compliance with legal requirements.

  • Fishmeal and fish oil plants

Stakeholders Sustainable Index

This index integrates cross-referenced information on employees, workers, customers, suppliers, and communities. The assessment allows us to understand the stakeholders’ perception of the company’s sustainable management and identify opportunities for continuous improvement.

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