Awards and recognitions

Over time, we have received awards and recognition at both national and international levels. Each award is a source of pride and reflects the passion for excellence of the great Austral family.

2024 Certificación ISO 45001 
2024 Certificación ISO 45001 
2024 Certificación OEA   
2024 Certificación OEA   
2023 Segunda Estrella de Huella de Carbono Perú  
2023 Segunda Estrella de Huella de Carbono Perú  
2022 Obtención del sello Perú Limpio 
2022 Perú Limpio Seal 
2022 Distintivo Empresa con Gestión Sostenible
2022 Sustainable Management Company Seal
2022 Net Positiva Perú “Máxima colaboración – Periodo (2020-21-22)”
2022 Net Positiva Perú “Maximum collaboration - Periods 2020-2021-2022”
2022 Ranking MERCO Líderes
2022 MERCO Leaders Ranking
2021 Distintivo Empresa Socialmente Responsable
2021 Socially Responsible Company Seal
2021 Ranking MERCO Atracción y Retención del Talento
2021 MERCO Talent Attraction and Retention Ranking
2020 Ranking de las 100 empresas con Mejor Reputación Corporativa
2020 Ranking of the 100 Companies with the Best Corporate Reputation
2020 Ranking MERCO Líderes
2020 MERCO Leaders Ranking
2020 Austral fue reconocido como Empresa Emblemática BASC por el World BASC Organization
2020 Austral was recognized as a BASC Emblematic Company by the World BASC Organization
2020 Distintivo Empresa Socialmente Responsable
2020 Socially Responsible Company Seal
2019 Ranking MERCO Empresas con mayor reputación 2019
2019 MERCO Ranking of Companies with the Best Reputation
2019 Ranking de los 100 Líderes Empresariales con Mayor Reputación
2019 Ranking of the 100 Most Reputable Business Leaders
2019 Distintivo Empresa Socialmente Responsable
2019 Socially Responsible Company Seal
2018 Distintivo Empresa Socialmente Responsable
2018 Socially Responsible Company Seal
2018 Ranking de los 100 Líderes Empresariales con Mayor Reputación
2018 Ranking of the 100 Most Reputable Business Leaders
2017 Distintivo Empresa Socialmente Responsable
2017 Socially Responsible Company Seal
2017 Reconocimiento por apoyo a los afectados al Niño Costero
2017 Recognition for Support to Those Affected by the El Niño Costero
2017 Ranking de los 100 Líderes Empresariales con Mayor Reputación
2017 Ranking of the 100 Most Reputable Business Leaders
2016 Ranking de las 100 empresas Líderes en Retención del Talento 2016
2016 Ranking of the Top 100 Companies in Talent Retention 2016
2015 Ranking de las 100 empresas con Mejor Reputación Corporativa
2015 Ranking of the 100 Companies with the Best Corporate Reputation
2014 Ranking de las 100 empresas con Mejor Reputación Corporativa 
2014 Ranking of the 100 Companies with the Best Corporate Reputation 
2014 Reconocimiento del Ministerio de Educación
2014 Recognition from the Ministry of Education
2024 Certificación ISO 45001 
2024 Certificación ISO 45001 

We were recertified by SGS Peru in the ISO 45001 standard, in all our plants, administrative offices and fleets. We are the first fishing company to obtain this certification in Peru, which commits us to continue working under a sustainable and safe approach.  

2024 Certificación OEA   
2024 Certificación OEA   

En diciembre de 2023, Austral logró la certificación como Operador Económico Autorizado (OEA) como exportador e importador, tras superar un exhaustivo proceso de revisión y validación. Este reconocimiento, respaldado por la Superintendencia Nacional de Administración Tributaria (SUNAT), fortalece nuestra posición a nivel nacional e internacional y nos posiciona como operadores de comercio exterior seguros y confiables. 

2023 Segunda Estrella de Huella de Carbono Perú  
2023 Segunda Estrella de Huella de Carbono Perú  

Austral received its second star in Peru's Carbon Footprint. The Peru Carbon Footprint is an official tool of the Peruvian State that allows us to recognize how public and private organizations have managed to manage their Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions for the benefit of the environment. 

2022 Perú Limpio Seal 
2022 Perú Limpio Seal 

Austral was the first fishing company to obtain the Perú Limpio (“Clean Peru”) seal from the Ministry of the Environment, as a result of fulfilling the commitments made in the Clean Production Agreement signed in February 2021 with the Ministries of the Environment and Production, and the National Fisheries Society. 

2022 Sustainable Management Company Seal
2022 Sustainable Management Company Seal

The Socially Responsible Company Seal, awarded by Perú Sostenible, changed its name to Sustainable Management Company Seal in 2022. Austral obtained this recognition, reaffirming its good ESG management aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals.

2022 Net Positiva Perú “Maximum collaboration - Periods 2020-2021-2022”
2022 Net Positiva Perú “Maximum collaboration - Periods 2020-2021-2022”

Austral was recognized as the fishing company with the highest contribution to the recovery of fishing nets through the Net Positiva program during “The 1,000-Ton Milestone”, an event organized by Bureo and WWF.

2022 MERCO Leaders Ranking
2022 MERCO Leaders Ranking

Our General Manager, Adriana Giudice, was recognized in the MERCO Reputation Monitoring Leaders Ranking.

2021 Socially Responsible Company Seal
2021 Socially Responsible Company Seal

Austral received for the seventh time the Socially Responsible Company Seal, a recognition granted by Perú Sostenible, validating our ESG management aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals.

2021 MERCO Talent Attraction and Retention Ranking
2021 MERCO Talent Attraction and Retention Ranking

Austral was recognized among the top 100 companies with the best talent attraction and retention scores.

2020 Ranking of the 100 Companies with the Best Corporate Reputation
2020 Ranking of the 100 Companies with the Best Corporate Reputation

Austral was included in the Ranking of the 100 Companies with the Best Corporate Reputation in Peru, carried out by Diario Gestión and Merco.

2020 MERCO Leaders Ranking
2020 MERCO Leaders Ranking

Our General Manager, Adriana Giudice, was recognized in the MERCO Reputation Monitoring Leaders Ranking.

2020 Austral was recognized as a BASC Emblematic Company by the World BASC Organization
2020 Austral was recognized as a BASC Emblematic Company by the World BASC Organization

Austral was named a BASC Emblematic Company worldwide for maintaining the standard for over 13 years, a recognition that reflects our commitment to a culture of prevention and security of the supply chain across our operations.

2020 Socially Responsible Company Seal
2020 Socially Responsible Company Seal

Austral received for the sixth time the Socially Responsible Company Seal, a recognition granted by Perú 2021, validating our ESG management aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals.

2019 MERCO Ranking of Companies with the Best Reputation
2019 MERCO Ranking of Companies with the Best Reputation

Austral came in second in the fishing sector category in the Merco Companies with the Best Reputation Sector Ranking 2019.

2019 Ranking of the 100 Most Reputable Business Leaders
2019 Ranking of the 100 Most Reputable Business Leaders

Our General Manager, Adriana Giudice, was recognized in the Merco Ranking of the 100 Most Reputable Business Leaders 2019.

2019 Socially Responsible Company Seal
2019 Socially Responsible Company Seal

Austral received for the fifth time the Socially Responsible Company Seal, a recognition granted by Perú 2021, validating our ESG management aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals.

2018 Socially Responsible Company Seal
2018 Socially Responsible Company Seal

Austral received for the fourth time the Socially Responsible Company Seal, a recognition granted by Perú 2021, validating our ESG management aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals.

2018 Ranking of the 100 Most Reputable Business Leaders
2018 Ranking of the 100 Most Reputable Business Leaders

Our General Manager, Adriana Giudice, was recognized in the Merco Ranking of the 100 Most Reputable Business Leaders 2018.

2017 Socially Responsible Company Seal
2017 Socially Responsible Company Seal

Austral received once again the Socially Responsible Company Seal, a recognition granted by Perú 2021, validating our ESG management aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals.

2017 Recognition for Support to Those Affected by the El Niño Costero
2017 Recognition for Support to Those Affected by the El Niño Costero

The Ministries of Defense and Labor recognized Austral Group for the support provided to those affected during the El Niño Costero emergency.

2017 Ranking of the 100 Most Reputable Business Leaders
2017 Ranking of the 100 Most Reputable Business Leaders

Our General Manager, Adriana Giudice, was recognized in the Merco Ranking of the 100 Most Reputable Business Leaders 2017.

2016 Ranking of the Top 100 Companies in Talent Retention 2016
2016 Ranking of the Top 100 Companies in Talent Retention 2016

Austral was included for the second time in Merco’s Ranking of the Top 100 Companies in Talent Retention.  

2015 Ranking of the 100 Companies with the Best Corporate Reputation
2015 Ranking of the 100 Companies with the Best Corporate Reputation

Austral was included for the second time in the Ranking of the 100 Companies with the Best Corporate Reputation in Peru, carried out by Diario Gestión and Merco. We ranked 78th.

2014 Ranking of the 100 Companies with the Best Corporate Reputation 
2014 Ranking of the 100 Companies with the Best Corporate Reputation 

Austral was included for the first time in the Ranking of the 100 Companies with the Best Corporate Reputation in Peru, carried out by Diario Gestión and Merco. We ranked 86th.

2014 Recognition from the Ministry of Education
2014 Recognition from the Ministry of Education

The Ministry of Education awarded us recognition for our contribution to Peruvian education through the Sábados de Mate mathematics reinforcement program.

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