At Austral Group S.A.A. (hereinafter Austral) we care about the protection and privacy of the personal data of our internal and external customers; therefore, we are committed to ensuring absolute confidentiality of the information we keep, for which we use various security standards in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Protection of Personal Data - Law No. 29733 and its Regulations approved by Supreme Decree No. 003-2013-JUS and the Directive on the Processing of Personal Data through Video Surveillance Systems No. 01-2020-JUS/DGTAIPD.
De acuerdo con la Ley, son datos personales “aquella información numérica, alfabética, gráfica, fotográfica, acústica, sobre hábitos personales, o de cualquier otro tipo concerniente a las personas naturales que las identifica o las hace identificables a través de medios que puedan ser razonablemente utilizados”.
Asimismo, el tratamiento de datos personales se define como “cualquier operación o procedimiento técnico, automatizado o no, que permite la recopilación, registro, organización, almacenamiento, conservación, elaboración, modificación, extracción, consulta, utilización, bloqueo, supresión, comunicación por transferencia o por difusión o cualquier otra forma de procesamiento que facilite el acceso, correlación o interconexión de los datos personales”.
En el marco de la Ley, Austral se compromete con sus clientes internos y externos a:
1. Process personal data only with the prior informed, express, and unequivocal consent of the owner of the personal data
2. No recopilar datos personales por medios fraudulentos, desleales o ilícitos.
3. Collect personal data that are updated, necessary, relevant, and adequate, concerning specific, explicit, and lawful purposes for which they have been obtained.
4. Not to use the personal data being processed for purposes other than those for which they were collected, unless there is a procedure to protect anonymity or disassociation.
5. Store personal data in a manner that enables the exercise of the rights of the owner.
6. Delete and replace or, where appropriate, complete the personal data being processed when it becomes aware of its inaccuracy or incompleteness, without prejudice to the rights of the owner in this regard.
7. Delete the personal data being processed when they are no longer necessary or relevant to the purpose for which they were collected or when the term for their processing has expired unless there is a procedure to protect their anonymity or dissociation.
Austral's objective is that the owner of the personal data is duly informed about the processing of their information, as well as the rights they can exercise concerning them.
El usuario o titular de los datos personales posee el derecho de información, acceso, rectificación, cancelación, oposición y tratamiento objetivo de sus datos personales. Estos pueden ser ejercidos por el mismo titular de datos personales o mediante un tercero debidamente acreditado para el ejercicio de tal derecho. El usuario o titular debe presentar su solicitud por escrito a la dirección principal de Austral ubicada en Av. Víctor Andrés Belaunde 147 Vía Principal 123, Torre Uno, Piso 3 – San Isidro, Lima, Perú, o a la dirección de la sede de Austral donde se encuentre más cercano, o al correo electrónico: datospersonales@austral.com.pe, con la referencia “Protección de Datos Personales” a través de una solicitud, la misma que contendrá:
a) First and last name of the holder of the right; and accreditation of the third party in case of representation, for which he/she must prove his/her authority through a legalized signature of the holder of the personal data.
b) Specific request that brought about the inquiry (Exercise of the right to information, access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, and/or processing of your personal data or specific consultation).
c) Domicile, or address, which may be electronic, for the purpose of sending the corresponding notifications.
d) Fecha y firma del solicitante.
e) Documentos que sustenten la petición, de ser el caso.
Austral's response time for resolving requests is as follows:
– Right to information: 8 working days
– Derecho de acceso: 20 días hábiles
– Right of rectification, updating, cancellation, suppression, and/or opposition: 10 working days.
The personal data processed by us are stored in personal data banks owned by Austral, duly registered with the National Authority for the Protection of Personal Data:
Database Name |
Resolution |
Human Resources Archive |
N° 01- 2014-JUS/DGPDP-DRN |
Video surveillance |
N.º 732-2021-JUS/DGTAIPD-DPDP |
Suppliers |
N.º 3342-2021-JUS/DGTAIPD-DPDP |
Austral is subject to providing the National Authority for the Protection of Personal Data in charge of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, the information related to the processing of personal data that the latter may require and to allow it access to the personal data banks it manages; likewise, to comply with the legal information requirements, if applicable.
The authorization given by the user or owner of the personal data will remain in the corresponding database according to the guidelines established in the current regulations.
Austral recognizes the importance of protecting the privacy of minors; therefore, in case the personal data of minors is used, Austral will obtain the consent of their parents, guardians, or legal representatives.
Austral protects the personal data collected from its internal and external customers, so electronic and operational security measures are taken to ensure the confidentiality of the data processed in order to protect the information from modifications, losses, and the treatment or access of unauthorized users, which may threaten the integrity and privacy of the information.
Access to the data is limited only to authorized employees who need such information to carry out the monitoring and analysis thereof. Furthermore, the management of personal data will not be communicated or transferred to any third party, except to those with whom a service contract has been established and who will make exclusive use of the information in line with the purpose for which it was collected.
Video surveillance
Austral has a video surveillance system in all its headquarters and production plants in order to ensure the security, control, and supervision of its facilities. The administration of the video surveillance system complies with personal data protection regulations and is governed by the provisions of this Policy, as applicable.
Austral has adopted the legally required security and personal data protection levels and has installed all the technical means and measures within its reach. All the information captured through the video surveillance system is managed in the "Video Surveillance" database registered before the Personal Data Protection Authority under the registration number RNPDP-PJP No. 19777.
In case the holder of the personal data has questions about the content of the current Policy and/or how the organization is carrying out the treatment of data in its custody, he/she may approach our offices and/or send an e-mail to datospersonales@austral.com.pe who will answer all queries on the subject. datospersonales@austral.com.pe quienes absolverán todas las consultas sobre el tema.
Austral hereby declares to use the personal data collected for the exclusive use of the contractual relationships it maintains with its internal and/or external customers; in this regard, it may not assign or transfer them to any third party for other purposes, unless expressly authorized by the owner.
The completion and signing of the forms represent the express consent of the holder to the collection of their personal data and its processing for the specific purposes for which it was collected.
Austral reserves the right to update or modify this Policy from time to time based on improvements to our services. Changes to this privacy policy will be published on Austral's Web Portal.
This policy was updated on May 15, 2023.
Approved by the Austral Group S.A.A. Management Committee.
VERSIÓN: 03, vigencia: 15/05/2023