Author name: Comunicaciones Austral

1 Certificacion AENOR 2024 menor peso scaled 1

We are the first certified sustainable procurement company in Latin America

El Perú está a la vanguardia de las compras sostenibles en América Latina. La empresa española AENOR nos concedió la certificación de la Estrategia de Compras Sostenibles, basada en la Norma ISO 20400, lo que nos convierte en la primera empresa en recibir este reconocimiento en la región. Dicha certificación se obtuvo luego de una […]

We are the first certified sustainable procurement company in Latin America Read More »


Innovation and Eco-efficiency in Our Fishing Fleet.

In 2016, we invested USD 30 million in the construction of the modern and eco-efficient anchovy vessel Don Ole. Moving forward with the fleet modernization plan, in 2022, we incorporated the VEA F/V, which meets high technological, environmental, and safety standards.

We continue to invest in improving our fleet through engine enhancements to reduce emissions and improve fuel efficiency, eco-efficient energy consumption systems, radar implementation, enhanced living conditions, and technology for refrigeration systems.

Innovation and Eco-efficiency in Our Fishing Fleet. Read More »

gas natural

Cleaner Energies 

Currently, our 3 plants located in the north-central region of the country have switched their energy matrix to natural gas, thus promoting the use of a more environmentally-friendly fuel. The first project to change the energy matrix took place at the Pisco plant with an investment of approximately USD 2.7 million, followed by the Chancay plant with an investment of USD 1.8 million, and finally the Coishco plant with an investment of USD 1.9 million.

Cleaner Energies  Read More »

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